Best Practices

Optimize your use of the Gintonic inference subchain with expert tips. Learn strategies for efficient API usage, error handling, and performance improvement.

Best Practices for the inference subchain

Welcome to the insider's guide to getting the most out of the inference subchain. Whether you're looking to optimize performance, reduce costs, or just write better prompts, we've got you covered. Let's dive into some pro tips!

1. Optimize Your Prompts

The art of prompt engineering can make or break your AI interactions. Here are some tips to craft better prompts:

  • Be Specific: The more precise your prompt, the more relevant the response.

    Bad:  "Tell me about dogs"
    Good: "Describe the characteristics of a Labrador Retriever in 3-4 sentences"
  • Use Context: Provide relevant background information.

    "Given that the user is a beginner programmer interested in web development, 
     explain the concept of HTML tags"
  • Control Output Format: Specify the desired format in your prompt.

    "List 5 benefits of exercise, formatted as bullet points"

2. Manage Your Token Usage

Remember, you pay for what you use. Here's how to keep your token count (and costs) in check:

  • Monitor Your Usage: Regularly check your token consumption in the Billing Dashboard.

  • Use Truncation: When possible, set a max token limit for responses.

    response = client.send_message(chat_id, prompt, max_tokens=100)
  • Batch Requests: Instead of making multiple small requests, combine them when possible.

3. Implement Proper Error Handling

Robust error handling can save you headaches down the line:

  • Retry with Exponential Backoff: For transient errors (like rate limiting), implement a retry mechanism.

    import time
    def send_with_retry(chat_id, prompt, max_retries=3):
        for attempt in range(max_retries):
                return client.send_message(chat_id, prompt)
            except RateLimitError:
                if attempt == max_retries - 1:
                time.sleep(2 ** attempt)  # Exponential backoff
  • Graceful Degradation: Have a fallback plan for when the AI service is unavailable.

4. Leverage Caching

For frequently requested information, consider implementing a caching layer:

import functools

def get_ai_response(prompt):
    return client.send_message(chat_id, prompt)

This can significantly reduce your API calls and improve response times.

5. Use Streaming for Long Responses

For longer responses, use the streaming API to start processing results immediately:

for chunk in client.stream_message(chat_id, prompt):

6. Implement Contextual Chats Wisely

While maintaining context can lead to more coherent conversations, it also increases token usage. Find the right balance:

  • Summarize Context: Instead of sending the entire chat history, send a summary.

  • Use Relevant History: Only include parts of the conversation that are directly relevant to the current query.

7. Monitor and Log

Keep an eye on your usage and performance:

  • Log API Calls: Track response times, token usage, and error rates.

  • Set Up Alerts: Create alerts for unusual spikes in usage or errors.

8. Stay Updated

The AI field moves fast. Stay on top of new features and models:

  • Follow Our Blog: We regularly post updates and new features.

  • Join Our Community: Share and learn from other developers in our Discord channel.

9. Security Best Practices

Protect your account and your users:

  • Rotate API Keys: Regularly update your API keys, especially if you suspect a breach.

  • Use Environment Variables: Never hardcode API keys in your application.

  • Implement Rate Limiting: On your end, to prevent abuse of your application.

10. Optimize for Cost

Get the most bang for your buck:

  • Use the Right Model: Don't use a heavyweight model for simple tasks.

  • Batch Process: When possible, batch your requests to reduce overall API calls.

  • Prune Unnecessary Tokens: Remove redundant information from your prompts and responses.

Remember, the key to mastering the inference subchain is experimentation and continuous optimization. Don't be afraid to try new approaches and always measure your results.

Got a best practice we missed? Let us know! We're always looking to improve and learn from our community of developers.

Happy optimizing!

Last updated